- நாட்டின் நீர் ஆதாரங்களை ஒழுங்குமுறைப்படுத்தி வளர்ச்சிப் பாதையில் கொண்டு செல்வதற்கு பல்வேறு திட்டங்கள் மற்றும் வழிகாட்டுதல் கொள்கைகளை உருவாக்க மத்திய ஜல்சக்தி அமைச்சகம், நீர் ஆதாரத்துறை, நதி மேம்பாடு மற்றும் கங்கை புனரமைப்பு போன்றவைகள் ஒருங்கிணைந்து நடவடிக்கைகளை மேற்கொண்டு வருகிறது.
- மேலும், நிலையான வளர்ச்சி, தரப்பராமரிப்பு, வளரும் தேவைகளுக்கு ஏற்ப நீர் ஆதாரங்களை தேவையான அளவிற்கு பயன்படுத்துதல் போன்றவைகளைக் குறிக்கோளாகக் கொண்டு திட்டங்கள் மேற்கொள்ளப்பட்டு வருகின்றன.
- கங்கையைத் தூய்மைப்படுத்தும் தேசிய இயக்கமான நவாமி கங்கா திட்டம் உலக அளவில் நீர் ஆதாரங்களை மீட்டெடுக்கும் திட்டங்களில் தலைசிறந்த முதல் 10 முன்முயற்சிகளில் ஒன்றாக திகழ்கிறது.
- கடந்த ஆண்டில் மட்டும் இந்தத் திட்டத்தின் கீழ் சுமார் ரூ.2,056 கோடி மதிப்பிலான 43 திட்டங்களுக்கு அனுமதி அளிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. மொத்தத்தில் ரூ.32,898 கோடி மதிப்பிலான 406 திட்டங்களுக்கு அனுமதியளிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
- பிரதமரின் நுண்ணீர் பாசனத் திட்டத்தின் கீழ் 2021-26-ஆம் ஆண்டு வரை ரூ.93,068 கோடி மதிப்பிலான பல்வேறு திட்டங்களுக்கு ஒப்புதல் அளிக்கப்பட்டிருப்பதன் மூலம் சுமார் 22 லட்சம் விவசாயிகள் பயனடைவார்கள். மாநிலங்களுக்கு ரூ.37,454 கோடி மதிப்பிலான திட்டங்களுக்கு மத்திய அமைச்சரவை ஒப்புதல் அளித்துள்ளது.
- அடல் நிலத்தடி நீர் மேம்பாட்டுத்திட்டத்தின் கீழ் ரூ.6,000 கோடி மதிப்பிலான நிலையான நிலத்தடி நீர் மேலாண்மையை ஏற்படுத்த வறட்சி மிகுந்த 8221 கிராம பஞ்சாயத்துகள் அடையாளம் காணப்பட்டுள்ளது. இந்தத் திட்டத்தில் பொதுமக்களின் பங்களிப்பு முக்கியத்துவம் வாய்ந்ததாக கருதப்படுகிறது.
- தேசிய நீர் தகவல் மையத்தின் மூலம் நீர் ஆதாரங்கள் குறித்த தகவல்கள் சேகரிக்கப்படும். அனைத்து மத்திய மற்றும் மாநில அமைப்புகள் தங்கள் பகுதிகளில் அமையப் பெற்றுள்ள ஆறுகளின் கொள்ளளவு, நீர்பிடிப்பு ஆதாரங்கள், நிலத்தடி நீர் மற்றும் பல்வேறு தகவல்கள் இதன் மூலம் தெளிவாக அறிந்து கொள்ளலாம்.
- வெள்ள மேலாண்மை மற்றும் எல்லையோரப் பகுதிகள் திட்டங்களுக்கு மத்திய அரசு உதவியாக ரூ.6686.79 கோடி பல்வேறு மாநில அரசுகளுக்கும் யூனியன் பிரதேசங்களுக்கும் வழங்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
- தேசிய நீர் இயக்கத்தின் கீழ், மழைநீரை சேமிப்பதற்கு பல்வேறு நடவடிக்கைகள் மேற்கொள்ளப்பட்டு வருகிறது. குறிப்பாக அந்தந்தப் பகுதிகளின் காலநிலைகளுக்கு ஏற்பவும் மண்ணின் தன்மையை அறிந்து அதற்கேற்ற வகையில், மழைநீர் சேகரிக்கப்படுவது குறிப்பிடத்தக்கது.
- The Department of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, Ministry of Jal Shakti is responsible for laying down policy guidelines and programmes for the development and regulation of country's water resources.
- It aims to ensure optimal sustainable development, maintenance of quality and efficient use of water resources to match with the continuously growing demands on this precious natural resource of the country.
- Several key policies and schemes are implemented by the department and guidelines issued from time to time to ensure optimal implementation of these schemes and policies at the grassroot level. Several key initiatives achievements and developments have taken place in the department throughout the year 2022, some of which are highlighted below.
- In 2022, National Mission for Clean Ganga completes 50 projects & sanctions 43 new projects amounting to Rs. 2056 Crore
- Prime Minister chairs 2nd National Ganga Council meet on 30th December 2022 via VC in Kolkata
- PM inaugurates 7 sewerage infrastructure projects- 20 STPs & 612 km network at a cost of more than Rs 990 crore
- PM lays the foundation stone for 5 sewerage infrastructure projects to be developed under NMCG at an estimated cost of Rs 1,585 crore
- Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) for 2021-26 with an outlay of ₹93,068 Crore to benefit about 22 lakh farmers
- Against target of 34.63 Lakh Ha irrigation potential of 24.35 Lakh Ha (approx. 70.31%) created through AIBP works of the prioritized projects during 2016-17 to 2021-22
- Ganga Quest 2022 observed active participation of over 1.73 lakh persons from India as well as over 180 countries
- National Water Mission launched special campaign – “Catch the Rain” for improving water conservation across the nation
- Bureau of Water Use Efficiency (BWUE) set up under administrative control of Department of Water Resources, RD & GR on 20.10.2022 for promotion, regulation and control of efficient use of water in irrigation, industrial and domestic sector
- Ken-Betwa Link Project, 1st inter-linking of rivers project being implemented with estimated cost of Rs. 44,605 crore having central support of Rs. 39,317 crores is planned to be completed by March, 2030
- Under DRIP Ph-II, co-financed by World Bank and AIIB, inclusion of additional four states namely Karnataka, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal has been notified by the World Bank in June 2022
- After enactment of landmark Dam Safety Act in December 2021, Union Government constituted National Committee on Dam Safety and established National Dam Safety Authority (NDSA) on 17th February 2022
- Since the inception of FMP/RMBA (till March 2022), Central Assistance of Rs. 6686.79 crores released to States/UTs under FMP component of Flood Management & Border Area Programme (FMBAP) scheme and CA of Rs. 1095.16 crores have been released to UTs/States under RMBA component of FMBAP scheme
- President of India inaugurated 7th India Water Week 2022 from 1st– 5th November 2022 with the theme “Water Security for sustainable Development with Equity”
- In December 2022, Namami Ganga Mission was recognized as one of the top ten initiatives of the World Restoration Flagship of the UN Decade. Namami Gange was chosen from over 160 submissions made from across the world.
- Additionally, the documentary “Ganga: River from the Skies” made in collaboration with National Geographic India won international accolades by winning awards under 3 categories in Asian Academy Creative Awards 2022- Best Documentary, Best Current Affairs and Best Natural History or Wildlife Programme; and Best Natural History/ Wildlife Show at Asian Television Awards 2022.
- In 2022, the National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) sanctioned 43 projects at a total cost of Rs 2,056 Cr., bringing the cumulative total to 406 projects sanctioned worth Rs 32,898 Cr. In the same period, NMCG also completed 50 projects which resulted in the completion of total 224 projects.
- With regard to sewerage infrastructure 25 projects, comprising of 41 STPs for creation/ rehabilitation of 910 MLD treatment capacity and laying of 427 km sewer network between January to November 2022 has been done. Till date, 176 sewerage infrastructure projects have been sanctioned in the Ganga Basin for the creation of 5,270 MLD treatment capacity and 5,213 km sewer network.
- Several public outreach programmes were also organized by NMCG, which included Ganga Quest, Ganga Utsav etc. - all of which received an overwhelming response. Ganga Quest 2022 saw active participation of over 1.73 Lakh persons from India as well as from over 180 countries. Ganga Utsav 2022, dedicated to the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav campaign, celebrated the declaration of River Ganga as the National River.
- 75 separate events in Ganga and its tributary basin cities and towns will be organized by August 2023, with 3-day events in 15 major cities like Haridwar, Mathura, Delhi, Kanpur, Varanasi, Patna, Bhagalpur, Kolkata etc. and 1-day events in 60 smaller towns/cities. The events will promote local culture, and activities under Arth Ganga such as Ghat Mein Haat, Ghat Par Yoga, Ganga Artis etc. will be promoted.
- In 2022, focus has also been on developing and promoting Arth Ganga concept, under which several initiatives has been undertaken. Key highlights include –
- MoU with Sahakar Bharti to develop 75 Sahakar Ganga Grams in the basin
- Release of over 6 million IMC & Mahseer fingerlings, and ranching of over 70,000 Hilsa in Ganga River
- Launch of JALAJ Livelihood Model (biodiversity sensitive tourism-based boat safaris) launched at 26 locations on 16th August 2022. This will be replicated at 75 locations
- Launch of Web Based Tool to monitor Health Status of Urban Water Bodies
- This year, NMCG participated in the prestigious Singapore World Water Week 2022 held from 17th to 21st April 2022 and organized a session on “Sustainable Wastewater Management in Developing Countries: An Innovative Indian Approach in River Rejuvenation” on 17th April 2022.
- From 24th August to 1st September 2022, NMCG also participated in Stockholm International Water Week 2022. On 24th August 2022, NMCG hosted a session on “Zero Liquid Discharge Cities”.
- NMCG along with C-Ganga hosted the 7th India Water Impact Summit, based on the theme “Restoration and Conservation of Small Rivers in a Large Basin with a focus on Mapping and Convergence of 5Ps (People, Policies, Plans, Programmes and Projects)”.
- 2nd meeting of National Ganga Council: The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi chaired the National Ganga Council meet held on 30th December 2022 via video conferencing in Kolkata. During the meeting, PM emphasized on ways to enhance various forms of herbal farming along the Ganga. Prior to the meeting, PM laid foundation stone and dedicated Namami Gange and Drinking Water & Sanitation Projects to the nation. PM inaugurated the 7 sewerage infrastructure projects (20 Sewage Treatment Plants and 612 km network) at a cost of more than Rs 990 crore.
- These projects will add sewage treatment capacity of over 200 MLD in the State of West-Bengal. PM also laid the foundation stone for 5 sewerage infrastructure projects (8 Sewage Treatment Plants and 80 Km Network) to be developed under National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) at an estimated cost of Rs 1,585 crore. These projects will add 190 MLD new STP capacity in West Bengal.
- The Prime Minister reflected on the importance of the project for Rejuvenation of River Adi Ganga, infamously known as TollyNala, and a tributary of Ganga, in Kolkata. Recognizing the bad situation of the river, the project has been approved by NMCG at an estimated cost of Rs. 653.67 crore that includes construction of modern sewerage infrastructure comprising of 3 Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) of 10 million litres per day (MLD), 11.60 MLD and 3.5 MLD capacities. This project is 100% centrally sponsored and the Centre will bear all financial cost of the project.
- PM Shri Modi, while elaborating on river Ganga as navigational waterways informed that over 1,000 waterways are being constructed in India and conveyed that our aim is to make modern cruise ships sail in Indian rivers.
- With substantial development of waterways, India’s cruise tourism sector is all set to embark on a grand new journey. PM Shri Modi announced that on 13th January 2023, World's longest river cruise will sail from Kashi to reach Dibrugarh via Bangladesh travelling 2300 km.
- The Government of India on 27.07.2016 approved funding of the 99 prioritized irrigation projects (and 7 phases) with an estimated balance cost of Rs. 77,595 Crore (Central share- Rs. 31,342 crores; State share- Rs. 46,253 crores) for completion in phases. The works include both the AIBP and CAD works.
- Funding arrangement for both Central Assistance (CA) and State Share made through NABARD under Long Term Irrigation Fund (LTIF). Targeted Irrigation Potential to be created under the scheme is 34.63 Lakh ha. An expenditure of Rs.56271 crore (upto March 2022) has been reported to be incurred by the concerned State Governments on these projects since 2016-17.
- In January 2020, Ministry of Finance conveyed the continuation of ongoing centrally sponsored scheme up-to 31.03.2021.
- Physical Progress: Against the target of 34.63 Lakh Ha. Irrigation Potential of about 24.35 Lakh ha. has been created through AIBP works of the prioritized projects during 2016-17 to 2021-22. The potential created during 2022-23 shall be available only after the end of cropping season.
- Project Completed under PMKSY-AIBP: AIBP works of 50 prioritized projects out of identified 99 projects (and 7 phases) were reported to be completed till date. Out of this, 4 projects have been reported to be completed during 2022-23 till date.
- The Government of India has approved implementation of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) for 2021-26 with an outlay of ₹93,068 Crore on date 15-Dec-2021 to benefit about 22 Lakh farmers.
- The Union Cabinet has approved central support of ₹37,454 Crore to States and ₹20,434.56 Crore of debt servicing for loan availed by Government of India for irrigation development during PMKSY 2016-21.
- Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme, HarKhet KoPaani and Watershed Development components have been approved for continuation during 2021-26. Total additional irrigation potential creation targeted during 2021-26 under AIBP is 13.88 Lakh hectare. Apart from focused completion of 60 ongoing projects including their 30.23 lakh hectare command area development, 6 additional projects have been taken up till date.
- Also, two national projects, namely Renukaji Dam Project (Himachal Pradesh) and Lakhwar Multipurpose Project (Uttarakhand) have also been included for central funding of 90% of works of water component under the scheme.
- A slew of Innovative measures and modification have been made to improve implementation and maximize benefits, such as:
- Inclusion of new Major / Medium Irrigation (MMI) projects as well as funding of National Projects under AIBP.
- Financial progress requirement is dropped for inclusion of a project under AIBP and only physical progress of 50% to be considered.
- Advanced stage (50% physical progress) criteria is relaxed for projects having command area of 50% or more in Drought Prone Area Programme (DPAP), tribal, Desert Development Programme (DDP), flood prone, Tribal area, Flood prone area, left wing extremism affected area, Koraput, Balangir and Kalahandi (KBK) region of Odisha, Vidarbha & Marathwada regions of Maharashtra and Bundelkhand region of Madhya Pradesh & Uttar Pradesh, as also for Extension Renovation Modernization (ERM) projects and also for States with net irrigation below national average.
- Reimbursement is allowed for due central assistance in subsequent years also.
- Project completion permitted with physical progress of 90% or more.
- Online Management Information System (MIS) has been developed for monitoring of the projects. A nodal officer for each of the 99 priority projects has been identified who updates the physical and financial progress of the project regularly in the MIS.
- GIS based Application has been developed for geo-tagging of project components. Remote Sensing Techniques have been used for digitization of the canal network of the projects. Further, the Cropped Area estimation in the command of 99 priority projects is being carried out annually through remote sensing.
- To resolve the issue of Land Acquisition (LA) and increase water conveyance efficiency, use of Underground Pipeline (UGPL) has been actively promoted. Guidelines for Planning and Design of Piped Irrigation Network were released by this Ministry in July’2017.
- Pari-passu implementation of Command area development works in the commands of these projects is envisaged to ensure that the Irrigation Potential Created could be utilized by the farmers. New Guidelines bringing focus on Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) have been brought out. Further, transfer of control and management of irrigation system to the Water Users’ Association (WUA) has been made necessary condition for the acceptance of CADWM completion.
- Special Package for Maharashtra: A Special Package approved on 18.07.2018 which provides Central Assistance to complete 83 Surface Minor Irrigation (SMI) projects and 8 Major / Medium Irrigation Projects in drought prone districts in Vidarbha and Marathwada and rest of Maharashtra in phases up to 2023-24.
- The overall balance cost of the said projects as on 1.4.2018 is estimated to be Rs.13651.61 Crore. Total CA is estimated to be Rs. 3831.41 Crore including reimbursement for expenditure during 2017-18.
- Balance potential of 3.77 Lakh Ha would be created on completion of these schemes. CA of Rs. 1935 crores have been released under the scheme so far. Under the scheme, 28 SMI projects have been reported to be completed by the State Government of Maharashtra. Ultimate Irrigation Potential of these 28 projects is 20437 ha. Overall irrigation potential of 128205 ha. has been reported to be created through all these projects during 2018-19 to 2021-22. Further potential created during 2022-23 shall be available only after the end of cropping season.
- Polavaram Irrigation Project was declared as National Project under Section 90 of AP Reorganization Act, 2014, which came into force on 1st March 2014. The project with 2454 m of earth-cum-rockfill dam and 1128.4 m long spillway aims at irrigating 2.91 Lakh ha in East Godavari, Visakhapatnam, West Godavari and Krishna districts besides several other benefits envisaged by it. Central Government is funding 100% of the remaining cost of the irrigation component of the project, as on 01.04.2014.
- Government of Andhra Pradesh is executing the irrigation component of the project on behalf of Government of India. The approved cost of the Project as per Revised Cost Committee (RCC) Report is Rs. 47725.74 Cr (at 2017-18 price level).
- After declaration as National Project, a sum of Rs. 13226.043crore has been released for execution of Polavaram Irrigation Project so far. As reported by Water Resource Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh, an expenditure of Rs 20744.23 crore has been incurred on the project works up to 15.12.2022.
- CWPRS has been involved in conducting physical, mathematical and desk studies on various components of Polavaram Irrigation Project. Studies were carried out on 2-D physical model (1:50 scale) of spillway for finalizing the layout of spillway and stilling basin by testing spillway profiles for pressures and stilling basin for efficient energy dissipation.
- On 3-D comprehensive physical model (1:140 scale) of spillway and power intake, studies were carried out to optimize the design layouts of approach channel, guide bund and spill channel.
- These studies would improve the flow conditions in-front of spillway and downstream of spillway and in spill channel and its further downstream. Mathematical model studies for river behavior and scour estimation and protection measures related to construction of diaphragm wall were carried out.
- Mathematical model studies were carried out for assessing the flow conditions in the spill channel. Other studies include the spillway concrete cooling studies, 3D Pseudo- dynamic and 2-D dynamic stress analysis of one spillway block and instrumentation of Polavaram concrete gravity dam.
- C. Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP) Phase II and Phase III: India ranks third globally after China and USA with 5334 large dams in operation. About 411 dams are under construction. In addition, there are several thousand smaller dams. These dams are vital for ensuring the water security of the Country. The Union Cabinet approved externally aided DRIP Phase II and Phase III in its meeting held on October 29, 2020. 19 States and 3 Central Agencies are involved in the scheme with a provision for rehabilitation of about 736 dams (14% of large dams). The Budget Outlay is Rs. 10,211 crores (Phase II: Rs. 5107 Cr, Phase III: Rs. 5104 Cr) and duration of Scheme is ten (10) years, to be implemented in two phases, each of six (6) years duration with two (2) years overlap.
- The funding pattern of Scheme is 80:20 (Special Category States), 70:30 (General Category States) and 50:50(Central Agencies). The Scheme also has provision of Central Grant of 90% of loan amount for special category States (Manipur, Meghalaya and Uttarakhand).
- The Scheme has four components; (i) Rehabilitation of dams and associated appurtenances to improve the safety and operational performance of selected dams in a sustainable manner; (ii) Dam safety Institutional Strengthening to strengthen the dam safety institutional setup in participating States as well as at the Central level; (iii) Incidental Revenue Generation for sustainable operation and maintenance of dams; and (iv) Project Management.
- The Phase II of the Scheme is being co-financed by two multi-lateral funding Agencies - World Bank and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). The Loan Agreement and the Project Agreements with World Bank in respect of 10 States and CWC, has been declared effective since October 12, 2021.
- The inclusion of additional four States (Karnataka, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal) has also been notified by the World Bank in June 2022. The Loan signing with AIIB for remaining US$ 250 million held on 19th May, 2022 with original 10 States.
- The tenders amounting to Rs. 2100 Cr has been published. The contract(s) for approximately Rs. 1100 Cr has been awarded. An expenditure of Rs. 392 Crore has been incurred under the scheme by various partner Implementing Agencies.
- Hirakud Dam Project: Hirakud Dam is built across the Mahanadi River, about 15 km from Sambalpur in the state of Odisha. It is the longest earthen dam in the world. It is one of the first major multipurpose river valley projects started after India's independence.
- CWPRS has been involved in hydraulic model studies for additional spillways of Hirakud Dam, Odisha (under DRIP). It was proposed the construction of two additional spillways to safely pass the additional flood of 27182 m3/, due to revision in the design flood from 42450 m3/s to 69,632 m3/s. 2-D physical sectional (1:40 scale) and 3-D physical comprehensive (1:100 scale) model studies are being carried out to finalize the designs of left bank additional spillway and their components to enhance the discharging capacity of the Hirakud dam.
- CWPRS has also been involved in carrying out inspection of many dams in Maharashtra along with Dam Safety Review Panel (DSRP). Till date more than 50 Projects have been inspected and valuable suggestions are given towards instrumentation, seepage control, in–situ investigations, review of structural safety and remedial measures.
- Detailed reports as per CPMU, DRIP format is prepared for the Projects inspected. Prior to carrying out rehabilitation measures, many laboratory studies are being conducted at CWPRS towards suitable grout mix design, shotcrete mix design, epoxy-based injection systems and repair materials pertaining to many Projects. At present more than 15 studies are in progress related to seepage control and repairs/rehabilitation of dams.
- CWC has conducted in-house Sedimentation Assessment Studies of 08 reservoirs using remote sensing technologies during 2022.These in-house studies have been conducted using Microwave data (instead of optical data).
- The advantage of using microwave data is that the images are not affected by cloud cover, and we get images of the reservoirs near FRL during monsoon season as well (which is relatively difficult with optical imageries as when the reservoir is full, most of the time it is monsoon season and it is cloudy).
- In addition to the in-house studies, a batch of 40 reservoirs, covering all the major river basins of India, has been outsourced in August, 2022 for sedimentation assessment using satellite remote sensing technique.
- Post-project Environmental Impact Assessment studies for three projects namely Ukai; Tawa; and Eastern Kosi Canal have been completed during 2022.Reservoir Operation Rule Levels for Srisailam and Nagarjuna Sagar reservoirs were prepared as per KWDT-1 award, TAC approved notes, and interstate agreements.
- The Secretariat of the Indian National Committee on Irrigation & Drainage (INCID), India’s representative national committee in the International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage (ICID), is housed at CWC. INCID Secretariat, in partnership with ICID, organized a 1.5-day Side Event – “Conclave on Water Security of India” during the 7th India Water Week, held at Greater Noida from 1-5th November, 2022.
- INCID invites and processes the nominations for ICID’s annual awards including the World Heritage Irrigation Structure (WHIS) Awards. 4 nominations were processed and sent to ICID for consideration for the WHIS-2022.In 2022, India won the highest number of (four) WHIS awards namely 1) Baitarani system, Odisha. 2) Lower Anicut, Tamil Nadu 3) Rushikulya Irrigation System, and 4) Sir Arthur Cotton Barrage, Andhra Pradesh
- The 24th Congress and 73rd International Executive Council (IEC) of International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage (ICID) was held in Adelaide, Australia during 3-10 Oct-2022. Hon’ble Minister of Jal Shakti and officials from CWC participated in the event. Indian National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (INCID) stall was exhibited during the event. Further, meetings were held with foreign delegates on issues related to water resources.
- The next ICID event i.e.,25th Congress of ICID and 75th IEC of ICID is proposed to be held at Visakhapatnam (Vizag), Andhra Pradesh during 1-8 Nov, 2023. The Organizing Committee for the said event is chaired by Sh. Kushvinder Vohra, Member (WP&P) & Ex-Officio Additional Secretary to GoI.
- He along with other representatives of INCID have visited Visakhapatnam to select the venue of the conference, and other areas of interest such as Study Tour, and discussing with Govt of A.P. officers.
- The event is expected to witness a footfall of about 1000+ delegates from all over the world. INCID, in association with NWA, Pune, organized a Webinar series titled WALMI Meet-2022 to discuss the activities of various WALMIs/IMTIs along with their issues, solutions and constraints.
- The India-EU Water Partnership (IEWP) is an outcome of the ‘Joint Declaration on Water’ adopted by India and the EU on 30 March 2016 during the 13th EU-India Summit in Brussels, to enhance cooperation on water issues, including ‘Clean Ganga’ programme of the Government of India.
- A ‘Memorandum of Understanding on the India-EU Water Partnership’ was signed in October 2016, with an objective to strengthen the technological, scientific and the management capabilities of India and EU in the area of water management on the basis of equality, reciprocity and mutual benefit.
- The India-EU Water Partnership (IEWP) Phase-1 concluded on 30 October 2020 and Phase 2 has started from 1 November 2020 for a period of three years. The 2nd Phase of IEWP is under progress. IEWP organized the 5th India EU Water Forum on Water Cooperation on 27th October, 2022 at New Delhi.
- The 5th India - EU Water Forum brought together a wide range of stakeholders from both India and the EU and its EU Member States with the objective to exchange views on good practices, regulatory approaches, business solutions and research and innovation opportunities in the water field in India and the EU.
- Further, activities for the development of Tapi River Basin Management (RBM) plan under 2nd Phase of India European Union Water Partnership (IEWP) have been initiated.
- Under co-operation with Denmark, emanating from declaration made by Prime Minister of India after meeting Prime Minister of Denmark, a Centre of Excellence for Smart Water Resources Management (CoESWaRM) and Smart Lab for Clean Rivers in Varanasi on the lines of Smart City Lab in Panji was proposed to be established.
- Consequently, Letter of Intent and MoU were signed between two countries on 03.05.2022 and 12.09.2022 respectively. Simultaneously, two separate Notes viz. setting up of Smart Lab and centre of Excellence, were drafted in consultation with Denmark side
- Support for Irrigation Modernization Program (SIMP) is a new initiative taken up by DoWR,RD&GR with Technical Assistance (TA)from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to modernize Major/ Medium Irrigation (MMI) projects in the country.
- Objective of the programme is to improve water use efficiency, increase crop water productivity and ultimately increase farmer’s income in the command area of the project through application of national/ international best practices. For overall implementation and management of the programme, a Central Irrigation Modernization office (CIMO) has been setup under Chief Engineer (POMIO), CWC supported by national/ international consultants.
- SIMP is proposed to be taken up in 4 phases. SIMP Phase-1 concluded on 31.12.2021 under which 04 MMI projects have been shortlisted for inclusion under 1st batch of projects for preparation of Irrigation Modernization Plans (IMPs) out of the 57 proposals received from 14 States/ 2 UTs.
- Thereupon, SIMP Phase-2 has been initiated with the Phase-2 consultants (Team Leader & Dy. Team Leader) engaged. A joint consultation meeting by CWC and ADB has been held with the Chief Engineers of the concerned projects and other senior officials from the State’s WRDs wherein the Phase-2 workplan has been discussed in detail and views of the States have been taken.
- As 1st step for preparation of IMPs, FAO developed RAP-MASSCOTE (Rapid Apprisal Procedure-Mapping System and Services for Canal Operation Techniques) workshops are being organized in each of the project area with the support from the Phase-2 consultants. 1st such workshop has been successfully convened for the Vani Vilasa Sagara project (Karnataka) during 05-16 Dec’2022.
- Publications related to Water Resources: - Three publications have been published
- The publication ‘Compilation of Status of Ongoing Major and Medium Project-2021’ released in November 2022.
- The publication ‘Water Sector at a Glance-2021’ released in November 2022.
- The publication ‘Pricing of water in public system in India-2022’ released in November 2022
- A total of 902 Glacial Lakes and Water Bodies have been monitored using satellite remote sensing in the year 2022. This activity is carried out every month from June to October. Of these, 544 are Glacial Lakes and 358 are Water Bodies. All Glacial Lakes upto size of 10 ha as per NRSC 2009 inventory and few more Glacial Lakes of size even smaller than 10 ha as identified by SDC have been included for monitoring.
- During the year 2022, 2 new Flood Forecasting Stations (2 Inflow) have been added in the States of Telangana and Madhya Pradesh. During the period from 1st May to 14th December 2022, 11511 flood forecasts (6476 Level and 4336 Inflow) were issued, out of which 10812 (6476 Level and 4336 Inflow) forecasts were within limit of accuracy.
- Daily Flood Situation Reports and Special Advisories were also issued during extreme flood situations. 554 Red and 618 Orange Bulletins were also issued and updated on hourly and 3-hourly basis respectively. All flood information were updated in FF Website, Twitter and Facebook Pages of Flood Forecasting of CWC.
- Automated online 5 days flood advisory for all the flood the level and inflow forecasting stations were maintained with specific domain name (https://aff.india-water.gov.in”) in place of IP address (
- The 5 days advisory has been migrated from physical server to a secured cloud server provide by NWIC for ensuring cyber security, timely run for the model, uninterrupted power & internet connectivity.
- A para on “Flood Situation for next five days” in respect of stations likely to be above warning level was added in the “Daily Flood Situation Report cum Advisory” based on the 5 days advisory. Ensemble forecasting based on NCMRWF 23-member forecast has been adopted. The technique of bias correction was also adopted for better 5 days flood advisory.
- The three hourly gridded rainfall product was developed from station near real-time data as observed by IMD, CWC and DHM Nepal. The same is proposed to be incorporate the similar data observed by the state Governments and project authorizes during monsoon season 2023.
- NABL accreditation received for 2 more CWC laboratories situated at Beharmpore and Bhopal resulting in NABL accreditation of 19 out of 23 CWC laboratories. A report named “Standard Operating Procedures for Level-II Water Quality Laboratories of CWC” was published in October, 2022.
- CWC Activities under National Hydrology Project (NHP): Achievements include completion of consultancy work for “Study on the issue of Flood and Siltation in River Ganga and its Tributaries due to Farrakka Barrage in the state of Bihar”; Completion of Phase-I i.e., Development Phase of consultancy work for “Physical based Mathematical Modelling for estimation of Sediment Rate and Sediment Transport in Seven river Basin”.
- Completion of 70% work of Development (Phase-1) for the consultancy work for “Extended Hydrological Prediction (multi week forecast) for Yamuna, Narmada and Cauvery basins”. Completion of “Reservoir Sedimentation Studies using Hydrographic survey for 20 reservoirs”.
- Award of work for procurement of additional 50 numbers of ADCP and 19 nos. Non-contact Discharge Measuring System or Velocity Radar System (VRS) as an effort for modernization of hydro-meteorological observation. 40 nos. ADCP and 5 nos.
- VRS has already been supplied and installed at the concerned sites. Procurement of DEM from NRSC at a contract value of 13 crores has been completed for the consultancy work of “Early Flood Warning System Including Inundation Forecast in Ganga Basin”; Award of consultancy for “Consultancy Services for Development of Decision Support System near to real time for Integrated Reservoir Operation System of Ganga Basin”.
- Successfully installation, testing and commissioning of Real Time Data Acquisition System (RTDAS) for Narmada Control Authority (NCA), Bhopal by CWC at 44 nos. sites and in Arunachal Pradesh for Water Resources Department, Govt of Arunachal Pradesh at 33 nos. sites by CWC.
- Procurement of additional 50 numbers of ADCP and 19 nos. Velocity Radar System for the regional offices of CWC as an effort for modernization of hydro-meteorological observation; Modernization of training facilities in NWA Pune & Modernization of Water Quality Monitoring activity by providing state of art equipment.
- Under the consultancy for “Early Flood Warning System Including Inundation Forecast in Ganga Basin” during 2021 has completed tasks related to “collection and analysis of hydro- meteorological and hydrological data, river cross-section survey at 500 locations and integration of surveyed cross-section with high resolution DEM (50%). The development of 1D & 1D-2D coupled model is in progress for inundation forecasting.
- Award of contract is in final stage for non-consultancy services of “Reservoir Sedimentation Studies using Hydrographic survey for 87 reservoirs- Phase-II”.
- Coastal Management Information System (CMIS):Implementation of Coastal Management Information System (CMIS) in the States of Tamil Nadu, Kerala and UT of Puducherry was awarded to IIT Madras, Chennai and a tripartite MoU was signed among CWC, IIT, Madras and respective States/UTs (Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Puducherry) for establishment of one coastal data collection site in each States/UT. Establishment of three no. of coastal data collection sites has been completed under this project& sites have been handed over to CWC on 31.05.2021.Data collection activities are now being carried out by CWC at the three nos. of coastal data collection sites (Devanari-Tamil Nadu, Karaikal-Puducherry and Ponnani-Kerala).
- Implementation of Coastal Management Information System (CMIS) at 2 sites, one each in Maharashtra (northern region) and Gujarat (southern region) was awarded to CWPRS, Pune and a tripartite MoU was signed among CWC, CWPRS and respective States (Gujarat and Maharashtra) for three years. Establishment of two no. of coastal data collection sites (Satpati-Maharashtra, Nanidanti Motidanti-Gujarat) is in progress under this project.
- The procurements of most of the instruments except water and grab sampler have been completed. All the procured instruments are installed or being used for data collection except DWRB units.
- Installation of DWRB has been planned subsequent to obtaining insurance. Meteorological, Bathymetric, Beach/Coastline survey, River discharge data observation are being carried out. The project completion period has been extended for a period two years i.e., up-to June, 2024.
- Implementation of CMIS at 3 sites, 2 in Goa and 1 in Southern Maharashtra, work was awarded to NIO, Goa and a tripartite MoU was signed among CWC, NIO and respective States (Goa and Maharashtra) for three years. Establishment of three no. of coastal data collection sites (Tarkhali-Maharashtra, Benaulium-Goa, Baga-Goa) is in progress under this project.
- Procurement of most of the equipment has been completed except DWRB, Tide Gauge and CTD. Data collection work is under progress for parameters namely Beach Profile Survey, Shoreline change, On shore and Off shore sediment, Wind, Marine Current, Riverine data and Bathymetry survey work. The project completion period has been extended for a period two years i.e., up-to November, 2024.
- Monitoring of Reservoir: Central Water Commission is monitoring live storage status of reservoirs of the country on weekly basis and is issuing weekly bulletin on every Thursday.
- During 2022, 10 reservoirs has been added and presently 143 number of reservoirs are being monitored by CWC, having total live storage capacity of 177.464 BCM which is about 68.83% of the live storage capacity of 257.812 BCM which is estimated to have been created in the country.
- Out of these reservoirs, 46 reservoirs have hydropower benefit with installed capacity of more than 60 MW. The weekly bulletin contains current storage position vis-à-vis storage status on the corresponding day of the previous year and average of last 10 years on the corresponding day.
- Weekly Bulletin is shared with Prime Minister Office, NITI Aayog, Ministry of Jal Shakti, Ministry of Power, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, India Meteorological Department, and the Water Resources Departments of concerned states and also uploaded on the CWC website.
- This weekly bulletin is also shared with Crop Weather Watch Group (CWWG) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare of which representative of CWC is also a member. The meeting of CWWG is convened on every Friday to review agricultural activities across the country and to suggest remedial measures to states in case of distress situation.
- CWPRS Activities under National Hydrology Project (NHP): CWPRS proposal under NHP included establishment of state-of-the-art Hydro-Met-WQ Instruments testing calibration and certifying facility, Training and support to IAs on Hydromet instrumentation, Bathymetry survey etc., strengthening existing research facilities, Infrastructure development, Capacity building, Purpose driven studies involving special technical support within the overall framework of National Hydrology Project etc.
- The total expenditure since the beginning of project up-to 30.11.2022 is INR 15.56 crore. Major activities completed so far under NHP are as follows. Establishment of state-of-the-art Testing Calibration & Certifying Facility (TCCF) at CWPRS for selected Hydro-Met-WQ Instruments is in progress.
- Current Meter Trolley: Up gradation of Current meter trolley up to 7.5 m/sec for Calibration and performance testing of 1) Current meter 2) ADCP 3) Side looking sensor 4) Flow tracker etc.
- Automatic Weather Station: Establishment of Reference AWS, Field Testing setup
- Establishment of Field-Testing setup (Field Calibrator) for AWS Sensor.
- Establishment of Reference Ground Water station and Field Calibrator for Testing &Training purpose
- Establishment of Water Quality Testing lab for Different parameters like pH, Electrical Conductivity, Turbidity, DO, Water temperature and Water Depth
- Establishment of Reference Telemetry- GSM/GPRS Setup for Training Purpose to IA’S
- Establishment of Reference Data Logger Setup for Training Purpose to IA’S
- Establishment of Reference Surface Water Level Station for Training Purpose to IA’S
- Bathymetry survey of three Dam in North East Dam Viz. Singda Reservoir, Khuga Reservoir, Khoupum Reservoir has been completed.
- Bathymetry Survey of Jharkhand Dam Viz. Dhruva, Tenughat, Getalusandis in progress
- Bathymetry Survey of Jharkhand Dam Viz. Suryodi, Tenughat, Getalusand using Satellite Remote Sensing is in progress.
- CWPRS Scientists have assisted various Central & State Implementing Agencies for finalization of specification of Hydro-Met-WQ Instruments & extended technical guidance whenever required.
- CWPRS has inspected various Hydro-Met-WQ Instruments installed at various locations by state implementation agencies.
- CWPRS have conducted various training programmes for Hydro-met RTDAS instrumentation.
- Activities in Progress include; Establishment of Lab Testing Facility for Testing/ Calibration of AWS Sensor, Establishment of Lab Testing/ Calibration Setup for GW level Sensor, Establishment of Lab Testing/Calibration Setup for Telemetry- GSM/GPRS, Establishment of Lab Testing/Calibration Setup for Data Logger
- Atal Bhujal Yojana (Atal Jal) is a Central Sector Scheme of Government of India with an outlay of Rs 6000 Crore, with focus on community participation and demand side interventions for sustainable ground water management in identified water stressed areas in 8221 water stressed Gram Panchayats of 229 administrative blocks/ Talukas in 80 districts of seven States in the country viz. Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. The scheme, partly funded by the World Bank, was launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister on 25.12.2019 and is being implemented from 1.04.2020 for a period of 5 years.
- This unique scheme aims at increasing the capacity of States to manage their ground water resources and for ensuring their long-term sustainability with active participation of the local communities through a mix of top-down and bottom-up approaches.
- It also envisages convergence of various ongoing schemes for implementation of interventions for improving ground water availability with emphasis on demand management and also to inculcate behavioral changes in the community to ensure optimal use of available water resources.
- The launch of Atal Bhujal Yojana heralds a change in the Government policy for ground water management by emphasizing the importance of community participation in planning, execution, and monitoring of scheme activities; convergence of ongoing schemes for implementing interventions aimed at improving ground water availability; focus on demand side management through improving water use efficiency and incentivizing participating States for awareness creation among the masses on the importance of ground water.
- Atal Bhujal Yojana also envisages improving the capacity of States for ground water governance through strengthening of institutions dealing with ground water management, improving ground water monitoring networks, creation of awareness among the public on the importance and criticality of ground water resources and building the capacity of the grass root level stakeholders to plan and utilize the available resources in a judicious manner. It also addresses the gender perspective by making it mandatory to include women in all activities of the scheme.
- Atal Bhujal Yojana is expected to improve ground water conditions in the target areas and to contribute significantly to ensure ground water sustainability for interventions planned under the Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM). It is also expected to contribute to the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s goal of doubling farmers’ income and to result in optimal use of ground water by the stakeholders in the long-run.